Do Employers Have To Follow Occupational Health Recommendations ?

According to a survey conducted by health and wellness provider BHSF, 80 percent of Human Resources decision-makers claimed they provided access to Occupational Health to their employees, but only 26 percent were familiar with any leading providers of Occupational Health. The majority of respondents linked Occupational Health with returning employees on sick leave to work rather than preventing absence through early intervention.Employers should...

What Is The Purpose Of An Occupational Health Assessment ?

A medical examination performed by an Occupational Health Physician constitutes an Occupational Health Assessment. Its main goal is to advise employers on the employee's health and give recommendations on what changes may be made to ensure that employee has a safe/healthy working environment. It can also be used to examine someone's fitness for employment.The management of occupational health and safety is a major priority in the workplace. It is...

What Is Occupational Health Assessment ?

One of the most often asked inquiries from our clients is, "What is an occupational health assessment?" An occupational health evaluation is a broad word that is frequently used in sickness absence management or when an employee's health is interfering with their work. We want to make this procedure as clear as possible for both companies and employees.An independent occupational health assessment (also known as a sickness absence referral, management...